Good Intentions

My guess is I am not the only one who writes lists, although never have I ever written a list of the lists I have written.

It was a ‘To Do’ list, tucked away at the back of the kitchen drawer, clipped in a wooden clothes peg with crumpled up dishwasher instructions and a recipe for oatcakes scribbled on a page torn from an old diary, which served as a prompt.

There is no date on this list so I can’t say it was a New Year resolution, but what can be said is that it bullet points some very good intentions. Using the excuse of memory failure which is legitimate with #vulnerableage, completion of those tasks remains a mystery- Maybe Aye/Maybe No/Don’t Know.

My Granny used to say that the road to Hell is well paved with good intentions, but I never really understood that one of her many pearls of wisdom. I do understand and intend to follow the current NHS advice, and especially broadcasts of the First Minister’s daily address and the science experts.

Trying to view this Social Isolation, this need for HunkerinDoon as a time to take time to catch up with ourselves, will give the opportunity to nurture the best intentions and turf out those that do no favours, but nonetheless continue to nag. What a privilege eh!

There is no doubt that accepting #vulnerableage mindset might be a struggle because it means seein’ oursel’s as ithers see us, not to mention battling to silence the “You’re a Scaredy Custard“ voice, but be honest, when have us auld yins had so much attention?

There is no suggestion that it will be easy, no denying that it will be very difficult for many, and some will be unable to begin to see their first step, far less a way through. All the more reason, I dare to suggest, Hunkerin Doon for those who have the resources, is an obligation. It is only fair to do what we can to take the pressure off all the rest.

It’s early days! My good intentions list is long but I can cross off learning how to set up a blog. It would be interesting to know what you think and how you intend to use your time.

Oh, and btw, the first item on my new list was to tidy out that kitchen drawer – job done!

7 thoughts on “Good Intentions

  1. I’ve been doing a to do list with my partner almost daily for about three years, We write down a his list and my list…lol the best bit is coming back to it and striking through the chore. I am amazed that we can still find things that need done. The big challenge for him was making something to hang all my necklaces form..loads of them! turned out to be 76 ! I could never find the one I wanted from 6 different boxes and numerous bags. Now I can see them all at a glance thanks to cup hooks and strips of wood across an old standing mirror frame. My challenge this week was to put all my scarves where I could see the colours easily, that was a wonderful experience as I remembered where I had worn them, bought them or the friends who had gifted them to me. The occasions flooded back and made me gloriously happy. Started Phoning friends I had not seen for ages, so much better that texting. Found out that a very old lady was wishing the BBC would put the Onedin line back on as she had loved it. I found series 1&2 on ebay in her required VHS medium. Made my heart glad and can’t wait to hear her surprise when she gets them in the m
    ail. Sorry for the long splurge…!!!


  2. You’ve echoed my thoughts on several fronts. I’ve also taken the opportunity to write a list of all the things I’ve been meaning to do since I retired 11 years ago. That was a week ago and the only things crossed off are answering various emails and buying some knickers. Instead I’ve been making face masks for friends and family, going hill walking on some of the recent fine days and playing online Scrabble with my grandson. However, today I participated in my first on-line meeting after I downloading Zoom, so I have learned a new IT skill. But it looks as though we’re going to be incarcerated for quite some time. Will I have actually risen to the challenge and crossed everything off my list when we’re finally released back into the community? That’s my challenge.


    1. I will make no prediction about how many will be ticked as done Trish, but l look forward to us comparing notes when we eventually get back together.


  3. I too write lists, must be a family trait. My problem is losing them , forgetting what they mean or more and more being unable to read my scrawl.
    For me so far, self isolating apart from dog walking in quiet parks has been less of a difficulty than accepting I am now in the so called “ elderly” group. Feel I should be out volunteering along with some of the local women who have set up a scheme to deliver shopping, post letters etc for those who cant get out, but in reality need to accept that the best thing I can do for neighbours and the NHS is stay at home.


    1. Thanks for looking in. Wholly echo your thoughts about helping in some way, but seeing the sense in following the advice. Appeasing conscience a bit by funding local food bank rather than physically putting the items in the basket.


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